Optimal Health
Tailored strategies to enhance physical and mental wellness, boosting energy levels and quality of life.
How I can help you
As a Dietitian I am fully aware of the importance of following and providing evidence based advice.
I am not here to sell you a magic pill or a quick fix that'll cure all symptoms and issues. I can however, provide you the very best, most up to date, research supported advice on how to improve your health issues.
I don't promise to be able to help with every medical condition nor do i promise your health issues will be "cured" and you should be sceptical of anyone who says otherwise; however I promise I will do everything and anything knowingly possible to help you reduce or eliminate the symptoms and impact of your condition and help you improve your quality of life.
As a Registered Dietitian I have been trained at the highest level in understanding the nutritional management of a wide variety of medical and health conditions and had personal experience of working with individuals with the following conditions:
PCOS management
Improving disordered eating habits and improving food relationship issues
Reversing Pre-diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes management
Please note that if I do not feel that I am in a position to be able to help you with your health condition or it is outside the scope of my practice, I will guide you in the direction of where you can find those who will serve you best.

Recommended service
Health Consultation
This service provides you with a one-off, jam packed consultation and follow up action plan. During this consultation I look at every aspect of your lifestyle and health and with your help, put together a plan of action for you to go away and work on.